Dinosaurs on the Ark

By David Larsen

T-Rex on Noah's Ark? Right! How did Noah feed him without being fed to him? Not only does this book address the issues of Creation and evolution from scientific and biblical perspectives, it also chronicles the author's personal journey to discover and document the remains of Noah's Ark.

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Noah's Ark

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About the book

T-Rex on Noah's Ark? Right! How did Noah feed him without being fed to him? Not only does this book address the issues of Creation and evolution from scientific and biblical perspectives, it also chronicles the author's personal journey to discover and document the remains of Noah's Ark (1997, '98, '99, 2000, '01, '03, '05) and discusses the overwhelming significance of potential discovery. For anyone educated in American schools (especially secular colleges and universities), the topics, such as those addressed below, will be both challenging and eye-opening.

Discover compelling answers to these questions:

• What if the story of dinosaurs existing millions of years ago is a myth designed to bolster belief in an evolutionary process, but completely devoid of actual evidence?

• What if dinosaurs were brought onto Noah's Ark along with all other air-breathing land animals and survived a global flood?

• What if the various (and varying) accounts of Ice Ages on Earth are fictitious and have spiritual roots linked to the belief in evolution?

• What if the remains of Noah's Ark were found in the upper reaches of Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey?



Amazon Reviewer


This is an amazing book. David Larsen is not simply a sedentary author with a literary opinion, a scientist with an agenda, or a theologian with an axe to grind. Larsen is a scientist and an explorer, and a believer. Being a believer ought not to DISQUALIFY someone's credibility. This book clearly cites scientific reference and facts that remain visible and examinable for all parties to consider. ...

Amazon Reviewer


I love this book, DInosaurs on the Ark. It is scientifically factual, well documented and well written. I have given the book as gifts to siblings, former students, and I use it as a thank-you gift annually for the speaker at our National Honor Society Installation ceremony. It should be required reading in all HS biology classes.

Amazon Reviewer


One of the better books I have read on the topic of young earth versus old as well as creation versus evolution. Great coverage on issues within the scientific community such as their evolutionary bias. Just this alone is enough for a layperson to look at the latest in science and ponder if the researchers massaged collected data and observations to fit their evolutionary mindset! ...


About David

David Larsen received his BA degree in Biblical Literature from Oral Roberts University, and an MA degree in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. While an undergrad, God began to instill in him a passion for the truth of Creation, both on the scientific level and in the Scriptures. His desire is to see Christians return to a foundational belief in the complete veracity and authority of the Bible, and to see the stranglehold of evolutionary teachings over America’s schools and colleges broken.


In secular institutions the story of a global flood is ridiculed and the ark’s discovery would have enormous repercussions. Even in many Christian circles, the flood is either mythologized or localized in an effort to make it more intellectually palatable to modern “scientists.”

David's quest has led him to make nine trips—and counting—to eastern Turkey, two trips to Armenia, and he has climbed Mt. Ararat five times in an effort to verify the remains of Noah’s Ark. He believes strongly that God has sovereignly preserved the ark for such a time as this—a day and age when people have rejected Scripture as the foundation of Truth and knowledge and put their faith in the pronouncements of man. He has authored several articles for Creation journals, as well as his recently released book, Dinosaurs on the Ark. He continues to be part of the ongoing effort to verify and document the existence of Noah's Ark.

For speaking engagements, he can be contacted below:


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